Fractional-order Circuits and Systems
Related Publications:
- M. AbdelAty, M. E. Fouda, and A. M. Eltawil, "Comment on "FPGA Realization of Fractional Order Neuron" [Appl. Math. Model. 81 (2020) 372-385], Applied Mathematical Modeling, 2020.
- M. E. Fouda, A. Abdelaty, A. Elwakil, A. G. Radwan, A. Eltawil, "Programmable Constant Phase Element Realization With Crossbar Arrays", Journal of Advanced Research, 2020.
- A. Allagui and M. E. Fouda, “Inverse problem of reconstructing the capacitance of fractional-order capacitors", Electrochimica Acta, 2021.
- A. Allagui, A. Elwakil, and M. E. Fouda, “Revisiting the Time-Domain and Frequency-Domain Definitions of Capacitance", IEEE Trans. on Electron Devices, 2021.
- M. E. Fouda, A. Allagui, A. Elwakil, Shantanu Das, Costas Psychalinos, and Ahmed G. Radwan ''Nonlinear charge-voltage relation in constant phase element,'' International Journal of Electronics and Communications, 2020.
- M. Semary, M. E. Fouda, H. Nasr, and A. Radwan, “Realization of Fractional-order Capacitor Based on Passive Symmetric Network' ' Journal of Advanced Research, 2018.
- M. E. Fouda, A. S. Elwakil, A. G. Radwan and B. J. Maundy “Fractional-Order Two-Port Networks", Mathematical Problems in Engineering, 2016.
- M. E. Fouda, A. S. Elwakil, A. G. Radwan and A. Allagui, “Power and Energy Analysis in Fractional-order Circuits and Applications", Energy, 111, pp.785-792, 2016.
- M. E. Fouda, A. Soltan, A. G. Radwan and A. M. Soliman “Fractional-order Multi-phase Oscillators Design and Analysis Suitable for Higher-order PSK Applications" Analog Integrated Circuits and Signal Processing, 2016.
- M. E. Fouda and A. G. Radwan “Fractional-order Memristor Response Under DC and Periodic Signals" Circuits, Systems and Signal Processing, DOI:10.1007/s00034-014-9886-2, 2014.
- A. G. Radwan and M. E. Fouda “Optimization of Fractional-Order RLC Filters" Circuits, Systems, and Signal Processing, 32(5), pp. 2097-2118, 2013.
- D. Fathi, M. E. Fouda, L. A. Said, N. Khafagy and A. G. Radwan, "Two-Port Network Analysis of Equal Fractional-Order Wireless Power Transfer Circuit" International Conference of Microelectronics, 2020.
- M. E. Fouda, A. S. Elwakil, A. G. Radwan and A. M. Eltawil, "Simple MOS Transistor-Based Realization of Fractional-order Capacitors" ISCAS 2019.
- M. E. Fouda, A. Soltan, A. G. Radwan and A. M. Soliman “Multi-phase Oscillator for Higher-order PSK Applications" IEEE Int. Conf. on Electronics Circuits and Systems, 2014.
- Prof. Ahmed Radwan(NU)
- Prof. Ahmed Elwakil(Sharjah)
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