
10 Years of Research Experience


Feb. 2020

University of California-Irvine, USA

Ph.D. degree in Electrical and Computer Engineering, GPA: 4.0

Thesis Title: Efficient Offline and Online Training of Memristive Neuromorphic Hardware.

June 2014

Cairo University, Egypt

MSc of Engineering Mathematics, GPA: 3.84

Thesis Title: Modelling and Analysis of the Mem-elements-based Circuits, Published as a Springer Book.

July 2011

Cairo University, Egypt

BSc in Electronics and Electrical Communications Engineering, GPA: 3.91

Final Year Project: Design and Implementation of Delta-Sigma ADC for Audio Applications.


March 2022 – Current

Rain Neuromorphics, Inc., USA

Applied Research Lead


April 2020 – March 2022

University of California-Irvine, USA


Nov. 2020 – Current

Nile University, Egypt

Adjunct Professor

Dec. 2019 – March 2022

Communication and Computing Systems Lab, KAUST, KSA.


F’2016 & 2017 & S’2019

University of California-Irvine, USA

Teaching Assistant

July 2017 – Sept. 2017

Mediatek Inc, USA

Analog IC Design intern

Oct. 2011- Aug. 2015

Faculty of Engineering, Cairo University, Egypt

 Teaching Assistant



2nd and 3rd place best paper awards from International Conference of Microelectronics

Dec. 2020.

Broadcom Foundation Fellowship Award

Oct. 2016-June 2017

PhD Fellowship from University of California Irvine, USA

Oct. 2015-June 2016

Encouragement Award for publications in Physical Sciences from Misr El-Kheir Org, Egypt

Oct. 2014

1st place best paper award from International Conference of Microelectronics

Dec. 2013

3rd place award at senior graduation projects competition, Cairo University, Egypt

Sept. 2011

Editorial and Review Duties