Cost- and Dataset-free Stuck-at Fault Mitigation for ReRAM-based Deep Learning Accelerators, G. Jung , M. E. Fouda, S. Lee, J. Lee, A. Eltawil, and F. Kurdahi.
2021, Conferences
Efficient Noise Mitigation Technique for Quantum Computing, A. Shaib, M. H. Naim, M. E. Fouda, R. Kanj, and F. Kurdahi, arXiv preprint arXiv:2109.05136.
2021, Journal
Energy Storage Devices Characterization
Current Projects
Coding for Resistive Memories
Previous Projects
Resistive Neural Hardware Accelerators, K. Smagulova, M. E. Fouda, F. Kurdahi, K. Salama, and A. Eltawil, arXiv preprint arXiv:2109.03934.
2021, Journal
A Flexible Capacitive Photoreceptor for the Biomimetic Retina, M. Vijjapu, M. E. Fouda, et al, Light: Science & Applications, Nature, 2021, (IF:17.78).
2021, Journal
Inverse Problem of Reconstructing the Capacitance of Electric Double-layer Capacitors, A. Allagui, and M. E. Fouda, Electrochimica Acta 390, 138848.
2021, Journal
Neural Coding in Spiking Neural Networks: a Comparative Study for Robust Neuromorphic Systems, W. Guo, M. E. Fouda, A. Eltawil, and K. Salama, Frontiers of Neuroscience, 2021, (IF:3.566).
2021, Journal
On-Chip Error-triggered Learning of Multi-layer Memristive Spiking Neural Networks, Malika Payvand, M. E. Fouda, F. Kurdahi, A. Eltawil, and E. Neftci, IEEE Journal on Emerging and Selected Topics in Circuits and Systems, 2020, (IF:3.916).
2020, Journal
Spiking neural networks for inference and learning: A memristor-based design perspective, M. E. Fouda, F. Kurdahi, A. Eltawil and E. Neftci, Memristive Devices for Brain-Inspired Computing, Elsevier, 499-530, 2020.
2020, Book Chapter
Programmable Constant Phase Element Realization with Crossbar Arrays, M. E. Fouda, A. Abdelaty, A. Elwakil, A. G. Radwan, A. Eltawil, Journal of Advanced Research, 2020 (IF:10.479).
2020, Journal
Multivalued Arithmetic Logic
Current Projects, Detailed
Modeling and Analysis of Passive Switching Crossbar Arrays, M. E. Fouda, A. Eltawil and F. Kurdahi, IEEETransactions of Circuits and Systems I, 2018, (IF:3.605).
2018, Journal
Power and Energy Analysis in Fractional-order Circuits and Applications, M. E. Fouda, A. S. Elwakil, A. G. Radwan and A. Allagui, Energy,111, pp.785-792, 2016, (IF:7.147).
2016, Journal
On the Mathematical Modeling of Memristor, Memcapacitor, and Meminductor, A. G. Radwan and M. E. Fouda, Springer
2015, Book
Oct. 12, 2021: A Flexible Capacitive Photoreceptor for the Biomimetic Retina has been accepted at Nature: LSA, IF:17.78 .